Library Ladder

How to order or get an estimate on your ladder.
Complete all the information on this form and press the submit button.
We will contact you as soon as possible with an estimate or to arrange delivery of your Library Ladder and Track.

    1. Make Ladder Choices

    Check all boxes that apply

    Specify Ladder

    (To clear obstruction)

    Specify Material


    Wood Type:

    Wood Finish:

    Wood Finish also select:

    Aluminum Ladder:

    Aluminum library ladders come standard with no finish. Ladders can be powdercoated in the following standard colors. Optional colors are also available.

    Specify Handrails

    Handrails do not come standard

    Flush Handrails:

    Extended Handrails:

    Specify Wheel Housing

    (Wood Ladder only)

    Specify Hardware Finish

    All hardware, including wheel housing, upper roller assembly, handrails, metal track (if ordered), brackets, braces and bolts will be done in this finish.






    Powdercoated Finishes:

    Specify Upper Assembly

    Roller Assembly

    Hook Assembly

    Optional Safety Tread

    2. Make Track & Bracket Choices

    Check the box that applies.

    See Step 3 for specifying Curved Tracks.

    For Steel Tracks

    Track and brackets to match specified hardware finish. Brackets must be mounted no more than every 48".

    In 45 degrees or 90 degrees, with standard 34-1/2" radius. Custom curves available.

    3. Provide Dimensions

    Fill in all dimensions that apply.

    Library Ladder Dimensions


    Number of brackers supplied will be based on 30" spacing.

    Track Dimensions
