Tag Archives: wine collecting

Start Your Own Wine Collection – We are Here to Help

Wine collecting is an interest that is slowly gaining popularity among wine consumers of different social classes. There are two reasons why most people venture into acquiring their own vintages: one is for-profit as they can eventually sell their collection down the line, and second is a passion for great tasting wines wherein having their own collection allows them to personally enjoy a nice bottle or share it with friends at any given time.

Custom Wine Cellar – Perfect for Storage of your Wine Collection

Whatever your purpose is, Wine Cellar SPecialists is here to help you along the way. Here are some tips we’ve gathered for you:

Storing a few bottles is a great way to kick off your collection as you can gradually increase the number of your vintages in the long run. Proper wine storage is of great importance to your wine collection as this can spell the difference between preserving the quality of your vintages and spoilage.

When deciding where to store your wine collection, you should take into account the three factors that can greatly influence the condition of your wines: light, temperature, and humidity.

Bright lights can interfere with the chemical compounds in wines which can alter its quality and taste; hence it is essential to store them in places where they are left untouched by the damaging effects of rays of light.

Temperature and humidity levels should be maintained at 50-55°F and within 60-75% respectively. In addition, keeping your wine in areas free of vibratory motion is a must since the slightest motion can have adverse effects on your wine. Storing your wine collection in an ideal environment ensures that your wine retains its excellent quality and at the same time keeps its label in pristine condition.

There are several options available for storing your wine collection. Converting your basement or garage into a wine cellar is one of them, and by installing a wine cellar cooling system in the room guarantees that the right temperature and humidity levels are maintained at all times.

If building a wine cellar in your home is not within your budget, then you can invest in a good quality wine cooler. Wine coolers have ample space to store quite a few wine bottles and it can mimic the ideal conditions required for proper wine storage.

Purchasing wine racks is another option. Wine racks are constructed out of wood, metal, or steel. They also come in a myriad of impressive designs that can certainly complement any kitchen or room in your household.

Curved Corner Standard Wine Rack

Curved Corner Standard Wine Rack – Elegant Wine Storage Furniture for your Wines

If you want a professional to look after your wine collection, then professional refrigeration is the best choice for you. A wine storage locker can be leased for your convenience and a wine expert is in charge of maintaining your wine bottles, for a price, of course.

The safety of your wine collection should also be taken into account. Keep in mind that the value of your wine increases as it ages, therefore it is imperative to take the necessary precautions for the safekeeping of your vintages. Having your bottles of wine insured is one way of doing that.

Should you decide to expand your wine collection, there are wine retailers and vineyards that often grant buyers a reduced price when acquiring wines in bulk. However, it is recommended that you try one bottle first or, better yet, check out wine reviews online before you make a big purchase.

Furthermore, visiting different vineyards and signing up for their mailing list will avail you of discounts in the future.